
Coating technology in the cutting tool, mold tool applications

Coating technology in the cutting tool, mold tool applications
In hardware store or metal cutting processing factory, we will see a gold, cobalt and copper color, black and so on seven ZaBa color bit, cutter, mould and so on, these are the coating after coating technology processing tools.
1. Golden color is plating TiN, on the tools ZrN coating. TiN is a widely used the first generation of hard material, hardness can reach 2000 hv, low friction coefficient, good impact toughness and processed materials affinity is small, not easy to form caused by adhesive wear devolop tumor, etc. ZrN hardness higher than TiN, is about 2400 hv, have certain antioxidant capacity. Stability is good.
2. The black is on the cutting tools plated with TiC/CrN coating. TiC is 2800-3000 hv microhardness and has high mechanical friction and abrasion resistance, its expansion coefficient and carbide, combined with the matrix solid. CrN coating while about 1800 hv microhardness is not high, but it has a strong wear resistance, oxidation resistance and high adhesive ability.
3. The cobalt copper is plated on the tools with TiAIN coating. TiAIN microscopic hardness up to more than 2800 hv, because of the addition of AI elements, the TiN coated tools in use process, improves the resistance to high temperature oxidation, the coating surface generated on a thin layer of AI2O3, chemical performance is stable, in order to protect the oxide coating, so TiAIN coating the working temperature can reach 800 oc.
Cutting tools, moulds and other metal tools can choose our many arc ion plating equipment. The equipment is used in hardware, glass crafts, ceramic crafts, etc., such as watches, mobile phones, metal shell, sanitary ware, cutting tools, moulds, electronic products, crystal glass, etc.


The basic concept of PVD coating and its characteristics

The basic concept of PVD coating and its characteristics
The abbreviation of PVD is English 'Physical Vapor Deposition' form, Physical Vapor Deposition. We are now generally the vacuum evaporation, sputtering deposition, ion plating, etc. Are called physical vapor deposition.
Relatively mature PVD methods mainly include many arc and magnetron sputtering plating in two ways. Many arc plating equipment simple structure, easy to operate. The ion source by electric welding machine power supply can work, its process is similar to electric welding arc, specifically, to a certain process under pressure, arc needle contact with evaporation ion source is short, disconnect, make the gas discharge. Due to the cause of arc coating is mainly by means of moving arc spot, the evaporation source for formation of molten pool on the surface, make the metal evaporated, the film layer is deposited on the substrate, compared with the magnetron sputtering, it not only has the target material utilization rate is high, high ionization rate, more metal ions film the advantages of strong adhesion. In addition, many arc plating coating color is relatively stable, especially when doing the TiN coating, each batch are easy to get the same stability of golden, the magnetron sputtering method. Arc plating deficiency is more, in traditional DC power supply under the condition of low temperature coating, when the coating thickness at 0.3 microns, deposition rate and reflectivity, film become very difficult. And the thin film surface became meng. Arc plating another deficiency is more, because the metal is molten after evaporation, so deposited particles is bigger, low density, poor wear resistance than magnetron sputtering film.
Visible, more arc deposition and magnetron sputtering coating each have advantages and disadvantages, as far as possible in order to play their respective advantages, realize the complementary, will more arc technology and magnetic control technology becomes one of the coating machine arises at the historic moment. Appeared more arc plating on craft firstly, and then using the method of magnetron sputtering coating thickening, final reuse arc plating to achieve more stable new method for the surface of the coating color.


Multi arc ion plating technology and its application

Multi arc ion plating technology and its application
Multi arc ion plating technology is an improved method of the ion plating technology, it is the arc discharge as evaporation source of metal surface coating technology. Because of multi arc ion plating technology has high deposition rate, film density is big, good adhesion of the membrane and other characteristics, make more arc ion copperplating layer in tool and mould of hard coating, decorative coating is more and more widely in the areas of application, and will occupy more and more important position. This paper introduces the principle of multi arc ion plating technology, features, and sums up and summarizes the past, on the basis of a large number of experimental studies and literature at home and abroad, analyzes the technological development of multi arc ion plating technology and its application in various fields, for the future research and application of multi arc ion plating technology provides the beneficial reference.


Vacuum coating equipment choice points

Vacuum coating equipment choice points
▲ optional double water-cooled furnace body structure made of stainless steel, carbon steel, or combinations thereof of.
▲ resistive and inductive heating in the form of two kinds, resistance heating materials molybdenum wire (band), tungsten (band), a graphite rod (plate), tantalum rods, nickel chromium wire (with) several types according to different temperature and process requirements for selection.
▲ heat insulation layer metal and composite two, choose according to different process conditions.
▲ vacuum system consists of a mechanical pump, diffusion pump, oil booster, augmentations pumps, vacuum pumps, etc., and they are matched with a variety of pneumatic, manual, electric valves, piping, etc., can choose according to process requirements.
▲ temperature control system can choose different types of thermometer, temperature control and their sensing element.
▲ intelligent vacuum measurement optional digital vacuum gauge and measure the quality of regulation to ensure the accuracy of the degree of vacuum and product reliability.
▲ can be equipped with multi-point recorder for the whole process analysis, quality control and production management.
▲ According device characteristics, manual, semi-automatic, or a combination of control.
▲ according to the requirement with a variety of inflatable type, mass flowmeter, rotameter, to meet the inflation pressure controlled, multiple inflatable requirements.
▲ of water over-temperature, temperature deviation large, furnace, pumps, heat exchangers, etc., phase diffusion pump, furnace inflatable overvoltage, insufficient gas supply pressure, overcurrent and overvoltage, open circuit and other abnormal situations audible alarm and perform the appropriate protective measures.
▲ fast cooling system and the heat exchanger can choose natural cooling cycle mode, may be used for large-capacity electric furnace outer fast circulating cooling system to improve the cooling rate.


Principle of vacuum coating equipment

      Principle of vacuum coating equipment
Electronic under the action of electric field, accelerate the process of flying to the substrate with argon atom collision, ionization out large amounts of argon ions and electrons, electronic fly to the substrate. Accelerated in the electric field under the influence of argon ion bombardment of target materials, sputtering out a large number of target material atoms, the target of neutral atoms (or molecules) is deposited on the substrate into film. Secondary electron in accelerating the process of flying to the substrate by magnetic lorentz magnetic force, the influence of bound in * plasma on the surface of the target area, the area of plasma density is high, secondary electron under the action of magnetic field around the target surface as a circular motion, the electron motion path is very long, constantly in the process of movement and argon atom collision ionization out large amounts of argon ion bombardment of target, electronic energy reduce gradually, after many collision cast off the yoke of the magnetic field lines, away from the target material, the final deposition on the substrate.
Magnetron sputtering is with magnetic field and to extend the electronic motion path, change the movement direction of the electron, improve the working gas ionization rate and the effective utilization of the energy of an electron.
Electronic home is more than substrate, vacuum chamber wall and target source anode and electronic home. But usually substrate with the vacuum chamber and the anode in the same electric potential. The interaction of the magnetic field and electric field (E X B shift) to assume a single electron trajectory three-dimensional spiral, rather than merely to circular motion on the target surface. As for the target surface sputtering outline of the circle type, that is the target source magnetic field lines in circular shape shape. The lines of magnetic force distribution in a different direction to film has a lot to do.
Work under E X B shift mechanism not only of magnetron sputtering, arc plating target source, ion source, plasma source in time under the principle of work. The difference is the electric field direction and size of the voltage and current.


Vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment film uniformity concept

Vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment film uniformity concept
  1. The vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment on the thickness uniformity, can also be interpreted as roughness, watching it on the scale of the optical thin film (that is 1/10 of a wavelength as a unit, is about 100 a), vacuum coating uniformity is good, easy to control the roughness 1/10 of the visible light wavelength range, that is for the optical properties of thin film, vacuum coating without any obstacles. But if it is refers to the uniformity of atomic scale layer, that is to achieve 10 a 1 a smooth, even under the specific control factors according to different coating gives a detailed explanation.
 2. The vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment the uniformity on the chemical composition, that is to say in the film, compound of atomic group branch as a result of the scale is too small and it is easy to produce uneven characteristics of SiTiO3 film, if the coating process is not scientific, so on the surface of the component is not actual SiTiO3, and may be in proportion to the other, the plating film is not want the chemical composition of the membrane, it is also the technical content of vacuum coating. The specific factors are given below.
 3. Vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment the uniformity of the lattice degree of order: this determines the film is a single crystal, polycrystalline, amorphous, and is the hot issue in vacuum coating technology, specific see below.
 Vacuum coating machine for vacuum coating equipment classification, there are two main categories: evaporation deposition coating and sputtering deposition coating, specific include many types, including vacuum ion evaporation, magnetron sputtering, MBE molecular beam epitaxy, sol gel method and so on.
 For evaporation coating: general is heating the surface of target components in the form of groups of atoms, or ions by evaporation.


The principle of PVD coating technology

The principle of PVD coating technology
PVD is English Physical Vapor Deposition, in Chinese means "Physical Vapor Deposition", is refers to under the condition of vacuum, use Physical method to make material preparation technology of thin film deposited on the plated workpiece.
2. The PVD coating and PVD coating machine:
PVD (physical vapor deposition) coating technology is mainly divided into three categories, vacuum evaporation coating, vacuum... sputtering plating and vacuum ion plating. Corresponding to the three categories of PVD technology, the corresponding also have vacuum evaporation coating machine for vacuum coating equipment, vacuum sputtering coating machine and vacuum ion coating machine of the three. For nearly 10 years, the development of the vacuum ion plating technology is the fastest, it has become one of today's most advanced surface treatment method. We usually say of PVD coating, is refers to the vacuum ion plating; Commonly referred to as PVD coating machine, namely vacuum ion coating machine.
3. PVD coating, ion plating technology, its particular principle is under the condition of vacuum, with low voltage, high current arc discharge technology, by use of gas discharge from target material evaporation and evaporation occurs matter and gas ionization, using electric field acceleration, cause the evaporation material and the reaction product deposition on the workpiece.
4. The characteristics of PVD coating membrane layer, use the PVD coating technology of plating layer, high hardness, high wear resistance, low coefficient of friction), good corrosion resistance and chemical stability, etc, membrane layer of longer life; Membrane layer can greatly improve the appearance of artifacts decorative performance.